Community HOA Meeting and Elections
June 13th - 7:00 P.M.
University City United Methodist Church
3835 W WT Harris Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28269
Full Neighborhood Community meeting. We will go over the 2016 budget items, 2016 accomplishments and goals and have elections for open board chairs.
Here is a copy of the letter you should receive by mail with agenda, nomination form and proxy.
Here is a copy of the letter you should receive by mail with agenda, nomination form and proxy.
annual_meeting_letter.06.13.14.pdf |
How do I get my name on the ballot?
Use the form attached to the letter to submit your nomination for board elections by mail or fax or fill out the form below. Submitted nominations will be taken until June 10th. Names can also be submitted from the floor at the meeting. Floor nominations will be not on the ballot but can be hand written in.
How do elections work?
At the community meeting, homeowners will vote on open board member positions. All positions are volunteer based. Secret balotting will be in affect during the meeting with vote totals being published after. Each household is allowed one vote. Nominees with the largest number of votes will be assumed board members. The nominees are not running for office. Each board member has the same authority under the bylaws. Office of board member will be decided at the first board member meeting between the skills and interests of each board member.